Thank you for your generous donations to Haiti. We wanted to update you on the progress of the mission. On March 9, 2017, Terry Brown, and Drs. Garry and Jodi Vermaas conducted a learning trip to Mission Morisseau. During this time, they observed the current progress of the following: a) construction damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, b) construction progress of school and church, c) spiritual needs of Morisseau children, d) learning needs of Morisseau children, e) physical needs of Morisseau children, e) fitness of current principal and local church leadership (elders, pastor, deacons, supporters). With the information identified from the trip, we have prioritized the above goals per the identified needs.
Although each success also has weathered obvious damage and additional needs, Mission Morisseau has successfully accomplished the following:
- Established working relationships with local church, which acts as governance to the town. Elders, new pastor, deacons, and church are united in the goals outlined below. Below are photos of some of the church leaders and pastors.
- Instituted biblical and academic instruction to 100+ children in Morisseau who otherwise would not have access to any schooling. During construction of the building, they have met in the church building. Due to recent damage from Hurricane Matthew, they continue to meet for classes in the church building and classroom (without roofing). Below are photos of the school and church.
- Provided leadership of the school by disciples, and well-trained and spiritually-minded principal Dieufaite.
- Provided limited materials to the school, much of which was eliminated by hurricane.
- Begun building an eight-room school building adjacent to the church. Wall damage from the hurricane has been fixed. Currently, the school and church buildings have foundations. (Floor and wall construction, the roofing still to be completed). Goal to complete school and church buildings by Fall 2017.
- Continued lunches to the 100 children daily. See pictures of lunch lines.
Our Mission In Haiti:
To educate impoverished and orphaned children of Morisseau, Haiti, and teach them about the love of Jesus through Biblical instruction, practical support, and personal example.
Current Unmet Needs:
- Completion of construction of buildings per safety, spiritual, and academic needs
- Provision of books (about half still have books) and supplies
- Provision of safer playing fields and working soccer balls
- Commitment of teachers and staff to increase teaching skills and continued education
- Commitment of teachers and staff to increased spiritual training
- Provision of basic special education assistance to older children (e.g., aged 12) who cannot read
- Provision of basic medical supplies to address physical obstacles to learning (e.g., pink eye, contagious illness, extreme medical needs- as needed)
Priority Haiti Goals:
- Complete construction and rehabilitation (since Hurricane Matthew’s destruction) of the church and school buildings (both facilities used to educate the children and teach them about the love of Jesus).
- Complete foundation and supporting wall foundation ($15,000 USD Status: completed)
- Complete floors ($3,000 USD Status: in progress)
- Complete walls (Estimated cost: $4,000USD)
- Complete metal roofing (Estimated cost: $ 8,000USD)
- Furnish buildings
- Building interior bathroom
- Complete outer protection wall/fence
- Provide curriculum textbooks in line with Haitian public school standards and related supplies for each student.
- Each child needs 10 small text books (Estimated cost: $40 per student)
- Waterproofed and secure lock boxes to house the school textbooks in case of storms
- Manipulatives for math
- Blackboards for each classroom (8)
- First-aid kits
- Provide playground for PE and breaks
- Rent nearby field (Estimated cost $150 USD yearly)
- Soccer balls provided for recess (Estimated cost: $45)
- Hire additional trained teachers as we add grades and provide training for current teachers
- Pay for salaries for four additional teachers for higher grade levels to grow beyond grade 5 (current). These teachers must hold diplomas. (Estimated cost: $4000 yearly)
- Pay for salary of one special education teacher to assist identified 8 children who cannot yet read. (Estimated cost: $1000 yearly)
- Continue payment for Principal Dieufaite and five current teachers and require yearly training (Estimated cost: $5500 yearly)
- Instill Biblical principles into students
- Teach Bible class at the start of each day
- Assess spiritual needs of students and parents
- Purchase children’s Bibles for all students (Paid by donors/donor groups through POW) Estimated cost: TBD
- Provide biblical examples as modeled by all teachers and staff.
- Provide for the needs of the children, as possible, to demonstrate the love of Christ.
- Assess medical needs
- Identify individual donors and volunteer medical personnel
- Address needs via medical mission trips