Firstly I would like to thank you very much for your prayers and generosity and supporting to us for Myanmar ministry – churches planting, orphanages sponsorship, Bible students sponsorship, evangelists sponsorship, community developments, relief works and so on. Our trip to States was very successful and we had a good time. My sons James and Jonathan enjoyed a lot, learning the culture, the language and spiritual lessons. May the Lord bless you upon what you have done for us.
Pyi Zung Testemony
I would like to share our recent story of a child we accepted last Friday (Oct 18, 2013). His name is Pyi Zung(means- Fulfill and Complete). He is eight years old. According to what he told us is: His parents had a lot of debts in the community and could not pay the debt and ran away and he was put in a monastery. But he was not happy living there and ran away from it. And he was wandering in streets and in high way bus terminal. He collected plastic bags and empty water bottles and sold them and made money. But he could make only 400 kyats a day (equal to 50 cent), it is not enough for food and he asked food shops to give him food with 400 kyats. He slept in roadside tents at nights without blanket and mosquito net. And one of the motor cyclists whom we knew found him at high way bus terminal and took him to our Yangon orphanage. He is happy living at our orphanage and we are glad that we can feed and take care of him. Welcome home, Pyi Zung.
Khin Win Ye Testimony
I would like also to share a story of Khin Win Ye how her prayer was answered. She is the first convert ( I baptized) in Jung Byaw village and her whole family members are now believers. Their main family business is growing bananas. One day, they were running out of rice and she went to Jung Byaw minister home to ask some rice. But she found out that they too had rice only for that night. So she went back home and knelt down and prayed to God to provide their needs. And the sun was setting down in the west and it was going to get dark. Suddenly, a man appeared and said to them he would like to buy some bananas. They knew their bananas were not ripen and not ready to sell, and told that man about it. But he said he would like to see the bananas and so they took him to banana field with a torch light and let him see the bananas. And he said: Oh, the bananas are ripen, I want to buy some of them. And they said to him again, no, it is not ripen. But the man said, it is ripen and he gave them a deposit, Kyats 6000 ( $7), and said to them that he will come back tomorrow and pick bananas. After he left, Khin Win Yi was amazed on the things happened quickly and praised to God, and rushed to the store, bought rice and was able to cook dinner for her family at that night. Normally people who want to buy bananas come at day time and check the bananas carefully. (Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own- Matt 6:34). May you glorify Him in your daily life too.
New Church Building Plans
We are going to build a new church building in Jung Byaw and to buy a new land for Jung Byaw orphanage and to build Jung Byaw orphanage building. We are excited for these plans. We have twelve kids in Bagu preschool this year. And we had five days seminars led by our beloved visitors from New Zealand also last week. It was a good seminar.
Because of your prayers and supports, we are able to take care of more orphans, to support more evangelists and more Bible students. Many new converts are adding to His house.
Thank you very much. God bless you. In His love, Judah and Khaw.