
Priority: Haiti Hurricane Relief

Dear Supporters of Priority Haiti and the mission in Morrisseau,

As you have likely heard, Hurricane Matthew has caused colossal damage in Haiti; the death toll has surpassed 800 and is still undetermined in remote areas. Our friends in Morrisseau are left with massive property damage, but we are praising God to hear that no lives have been lost. The church, which also houses elementary school classes, and other school buildings were severely damaged; the roof is gone entirely and the back wall is crumbling. Part of the new school construction, which had been in progress in order to create adequate classroom space for students and teachers, was blown in as well. School has been suspended entirely until temporary facilities can be arranged.


Helping the church and school rebuild is a powerful way you can help the people in Haiti recover from Hurricane Matthew. The 100 students who attend school in Morrisseau have access to a nutritious meal every day and an education, but because of hurricane damages they are likely facing hardships at home, hunger, and a frightening disruption of normal life. We want to make sure their school can resume and run effectively as soon as possible. Please consider donating today toward this goal; 100% of all donations will go directly to this important work.


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