Priority One Worldwide, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to provide financial and spiritual support to orphans and evangelists around the world. POW was founded in April 2012 by six disciples who shared a passion for global evangelism, discipleship, and the care and wellbeing of children. Since then, Priority One Worldwide has partnered with and provided support for three missions located in India and Myanmar.

As a 501(c)3 organization, we have tax exempt status in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code. Our principle office is in Minneola, Florida. As specified in our articles of incorporation, we have four members serving on the board of directors. All board members serve without compensation. In addition, board members travel to the mission field regularly to work closely with the evangelists.

Learn more about Priority One Worldwide, Inc. on www.GuideStar.org.


Priority One Worldwide is a nonprofit, nonpartisan enterprise that partners with individual donors and sponsors in either or both of the following mission goals.

  • First, we aim to provide financial, spiritual, and emotional aid to orphans through two avenues: supporting indigenous missionaries who provide and care for orphans.
  • Second, we strive to support evangelists who presently risk their lives to spread the Gospel to unreached peoples. Our mission is to use all of our lives and resources to do as much as we can for those in need.


Priority One’s purpose is to support orphans and evangelists by offering our prayers, time, and financial contributions. 100% of all donations and sponsorships go directly to the field* and are not ever used for western operating budgets, advertising, or salaries.

How Sponsorships Work

  • Choose A Ministry

    Once you choose a ministry that we support, you’ll be able to directly donate through our online checkout form.

  • Speak To A Member

    Some information on our website is purposely vague. We work directly with evangelists in highly persecuted areas and have to be very careful about what we post online.

  • 100% Given, Goes

    100% of your sponsorship is sent to assist your child or evangelist. Nothing is taken out for administrative costs or fundraising in the US.


  • Priority Mexico

    Our first project is in Puebla, Mexico, and our ultimate goal is to expand to Central and South America and the Caribbean. We are aware that children deeply need extra support in their education, not only regarding academics, but also personal growth, hygiene, nutrition, and ethics.

  • Priority Haiti

    Haiti is known for the harsh childhood conditions and POW has partnered with a local church teaching and feeding children who are underprivileged and unable to get a warm meal or education.

Benefits of Sponsorship

  • Giving Children A Home

    There are so many children who have lost their families and their homes. Your donation will provide a place for these children to live and be a part of the church family.

  • Providing for Physical Needs

    You can choose to donate to the general fund for one time needs that will supply clean water, food, medicine, and basic necessities in the orphanage or on the mission field.

  • Sharing Jesus!

    Orphans learn the Gospel of Jesus, and evangelists share the gospel in villages all over Mid India and Myanmar.


  • The Red Zone

    The evangelists in indigenous locations in foreign countries are many times endangered. Therefore content on our website may seem vague.

  • Sending Letters

    Writing to your sponsored child or evangelist is highly encouraged; however, communication back is not as frequent. Please contact us to learn how!

  • Travel Opportunities

    There are many opportunities to travel to the mission to visit your sponsored child or evangelist and we would love to take you! Please fill out our Contact Form and a Priority One representative will be in touch.

Online Document Center


Financial Reports

Priority One Worldwide has all our financial reports in our Financial Accountability page.


Bank to Bank

Learn how to donate to Priority One Worldwide using direct deposits with your bank account with our easy to use Dwolla Instructional Guide.